

Unemployment Insurance Claim

IHSS providers, with the exception of spouse and parent providers, are eligible for unemployment. See if you qualify by visiting the EDD website: /unemployment/qualify.htm
What can I do if my work hours are reduced because of COVID-19? You can file an Unemployment Insurance claim

Marin Housing Authority

Services to assist low and moderate-income residents of Marin to secure and maintain quality affordable housing.

Home Match Marin

California Association of Public Authorities

Information on IHSS public authority services at the state level.

College of Marin – Noncredit English as a Second Language Program

Caregiver Support Group – Sponsored by Senior Access

Meets 3rd Thursday each month, 11:00am – 12:30 pm (FREE)
Lucas Valley Community Church, 2000 Los Galinas Ave, San Rafael

Meets 1st Thursday each month, 11:00am – 12:30 pm (FREE)
Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 333 Ellen Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903

Phone: (415) 491-2500 x14
(link sends e-mail)

Address: 2000 Los Galinas Ave, San Rafael

Dominican University OT Department and PA Marin – IHSS Caregiver Training

Dominican University Occupational Therapy students and PA Marin have created a website that includes information, modules, worksheets and instructional videos on relevant subjects that are pertinent to all of our caregivers. We will be updating it on a regular basis to include more valuable information and other important topics. https://ihsstraining.


Comprehensive listing of Marin services and events.

Family Caregiver Alliance

A public voice for caregivers – Information, Education, Service, Research and Advocacy.

Social Security Administration

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